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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Speaking Tongue

The art work posted at the top of the page, is a piece I created, to which I one day would like to serve chips and dip out of. It is an exact replica of my brothers teeth, from a cast that was taken before he had some major work done. I found it one day and was inspired to use it for a project in my tile making class.

The name of my blog came to me as a way to communicate the hidden dialect we all have inside of us. We speak to each other with words from a language, we believe is understood, but with further inspection we rely upon reading into every inflection, annunciation, syllable, twang, slur, click and vowel with subtle curiosity of whether or not we are hearing it correctly. We question, almost subconsciously, if what we heard is what we were meant to here.

This most often happens when we are involved or becoming involved in a new relationship; be it friendly, professional, sexual or any other space in which two or more people are communicating..

But now, we so rarely even carry out conversations face to face, or even on the phone, for that matter. We have reverted to instantly texting one another with abbreviations,variations, emoticons and a loss for what grammar is or ever was.

We can spur off into an inner rage because of a shortened version of some word that keys you in to think that the sender meant something entirely different, and therefor end up mad over a mistake or misunderstanding. And I know you have all seen this happen....
But we learn to cope, we develop new ways to question and infer based upon the now subtle nature of our new coded dialect.

What if anything does this have to do with ART?

Its about interaction, personal connection, intention and interpretation of what we are seeing. Artist and viewer/ giver and receiver/ teacher and student and the ease at witch these roles can be flipped, scrambled, fucked up and clear all at the same time.

As an artist it is my biggest struggle; as a teacher my favorite problem and as a student it is the most alluring aspect to life.


For someone like myself, it is difficult to feel comfortable blogging about anything. Writing, to me is an art form in itself, and therefor semi- sacred until, final revisions are made and the flow is correct.
I'm starting this blog based on the needs of a Graduate class I'm enrolled in, mind you as a non-matriculated student. But after about a week of considering weather or not i felt comfortable enough posting anything on line about what I think how I feel and who I am, I revolted against myself and said F*#$ it.

SO here it goes.......